Karuppatti (Palm Jaggery)

Neithal, a Thamil word, means act of binding two things together and the resultant is constructive. Interestingly Neithal is also one of the five land types as per Tholkaappiam. In that context Neithal refers to the land of seashore.

On a parallel thread, the biggest food challenge faced by every human race across globe in ancient times, was to make glucose supplement for human consumption. Needless to say, glucose has always been the source of energy in every food culture. Until then it was floral honey. Floral Honey is medicinal and cannot be consumed regularly.

A great example of word Neithal is the way Karuppatti being made by binding Palmyra Juice and a limited quantity of slaked lime. Palmyra juice being the source of glucose, without lime will become sour and acidic in few hours.

Neithal Marabu Angaadi making own Karuppatti is not a surprise. Isn’t it?

People frequently ask us as how Karuppatti is made? What’s so special about it? Here we go…

How Karuppatti is made?

Karuppatti is made of palmyra juice, derived from palm trees and slaked lime paste (weaving these together)

Palmyra specialist climbs up a tree which is at least 30 feet high. A mud pot, with an internal coat of slaked lime paste, is fixed at the tree top. Palmyra juice (called as ‘Pathaneer’) from palmyra flower (called as ‘Paalai’) drops over hours and collected over night. A tree would usually get us 2-3 litres of pathaneer by early morning.

Collected pathaneer is boiled in a specially made metal pan until it is condensed and takes a pasty form called ‘Paagu’. Hot paagu is poured into coconut shell and allowed to dry. Dried paagu takes the shape of coconut shell and is Karuppatti now.

What’s so special about Karuppatti?

Karuppatti is not just sweetener but 100% nutrient unlike other sweeteners in the market. Additionally it strengthens body and cures many ailments. In our tradition Karuppatti is the only sweetener that can be consumed regularly but still healthy.

Karuppatti made at southern coast of Tamilnadu are special due to the climatic and environmental conditions. Instead of limestone, sea shell is the source of lime here.

Karuppatti’s health benefits are numerous which need separate blogging.

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